divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012

Romney & spanyistan!

Mr. Romney spoked last night about Spanyistan on the duel that he had with mr. Obama, and on his speach, he said that he would not like to continue the way of Spain... and he compared the american economy with our economy.

He said that the spanish goverment sends the 42 % of the cash to bills and the rest to social jobs, and he explained to all the americans that the correct way wasn´t continuing with Obama.

I´ll say you Mr. Romney that I don´t like that you mencion Spain cause that means that Valencia is mentioned, but I´ll thank you cause reading in lines your speach is just telling us what to do, so if we continue your recomendation... send of the goverment... we should say bye bye to your friend Rajoy no?

Yes you wonn the first debate, but that dosen´t mean anything and the vocab you have used was really poor, so if Obama accelerates a bit he will pass you as the Road Runner.

The only thing I will ask you is that the next time you use spain as un example don´t mention spain please... mention concreatly our blue minded politicians.

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